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Useful guides and information for authors

The documents below are useful guides for Uni-edit clients and authors. They are provided free or charge for all Uni-edit clients who use our English editing or translation services. Please click a document to download it.

Guides for downloading:
doc Can't decide between Level 2 and Level 3? Watch this video for guidance.
doc Uni-edit Customer Service | Edit or translate only SOME parts Watch this video for guidance.
docGuide to using and reviewing tracked changes in Word 2007
doc Explanation of word counting for English editing services
doc Explanation of CHECK, TUTOR and IDEA comments inserted by the Uni-edit editors and translators
doc Video guide on how to revise the text at CHECK comments
doc Explanation of yellow highlighting for re-editing
doc Author's guide - How to use the re-editing service


提供給客戶及作者參考的實用說明文件 - 繁體中文


doc 無法決定Level 2還是Level 3的編修等級? 請看影片分析介紹
doc Academic Writing and Publishing Education
doc 翻譯服務使用之英漢詞彙範例
doc 英文編修服務的字數計算解說
doc如何使用Microsoft Word的「追蹤修訂」功能(Word 2003版本)
doc如何使用Microsoft Word的「追蹤修訂」功能(Word 2007版本)
doc 征文編輯和翻譯者於文件中提供之‘CHECK’、’TUTOR’以及’IDEA’註解的解說
doc 如何應用Uni-edit編輯人員提供的CHECK建議修改論文?
doc Author's guide - 如何應用再編修服務


提供给客户及作者参考的实用说明文件 – 简体中文


doc 不知选择2级还是3级?请观看视频指导
doc 翻译服务使用之英汉词汇范例
doc 征文编辑和翻译者于文件中提供之‘CHECK’、’TUTOR’以及’IDEA’批注的解说
doc 如何应用Uni-edit编辑人员提供的CHECK建议修改论文?
doc 英文编修服务的字数计算解说
doc 如何使用Microsoft Word的「追踪修订」功能(Word 2003版本)


고객님과 작자를 위한 유용한 가이드 - 한국어 버전

아래 문서들은 고객님과 작자들을 위한 유용한 가이드입니다. 당사의 영어 편집 혹은 번역 서비스를 이용하시는 모든 Uni-edit 고객님과 작자를 위해 무료 혹은 유료로 제공합니다. 다운로드를 받기 위해 문서를 클릭하여 주십시오.

다운로드를 위한 가이드
doc Uni-edit 편집자와 변역자가 추가하는 CHECK, TUTOR 및 IDEA 코멘트에 대한 설명
doc 영어 편집 서비스에서 글자 수 정산에 관한 설명


お客様と執筆者の皆様のためのお役立ちガイド - 日本語版


doc 英文校閲サービスのワードカウントに関する説明
doc Microsoft Wordの「変更履歴」機能に関するガイド(Word 2007)
doc Uni-editの校閲者および翻訳者が文中に挿入する「CHECK」「TUTOR」「IDEA」各コメントに関する説明
doc Uni-edit カスタマーサービス | CHECKコメントをもとに論文を修正
doc Uni-edit Japan Academic Writing And Publishing Education Brochure
doc Author's guide - How to use the re-editing service


Useful guides for clients and authors - Arabic versions

The documents below are useful guides for Uni-edit clients and authors. They are provided free or charge for all Uni-edit clients who use our English editing or translation services. Please click a document to download it.

Guides for downloading:
doc Guide to CHECK, TUTOR & IDEA comments (Arabic)
دليل المؤلف لفهم تعليقات المحررين


Useful guides for clients and authors - German versions

Bitte klicken Sie auf eine Fachrichtung um die PDF Datei herunter zu laden.

doc Guide to CHECK, TUTOR & IDEA comments (German)