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UE学術英語論文執筆のヒント003a: 並列構造(パートA)— 並列構造とは何か?






(不明瞭)The new regulations could cause problems for both the winners and for those who lose.
(明瞭)The new regulations could cause problems for both winners and losers.

説明:上の誤りの文例では、「both」の後に「the winners(勝者)」と「those who lose(敗れた者)」が続いています。しかしこの二つのフレーズは異なった構造を持っており、これによって読み手は混乱させられます。正解文では、「winners」と「losers(敗者)」は同じ構造を持っており、これによってぐっと読みやすくなっています。


(不明瞭)Formerly, science was taught by the textbook method, while now the laboratory method is employed.
(明瞭)Formerly, science was taught by the textbook method; now it is taught by the laboratory method.

説明:上の間違いの例文は、書き手の決断力の欠如ないし躊躇を感じさせます。一つの表現を選んでおきながら、それを最後まで使い通せない、あるいはそうすることを恐れているように思えるのです。正しい例文からは、書き手が文をどのように組み立てるかについて決断を下していることが伺えます。ここで繰り返されいてるのは 「・・・方式で」という構造です。反復的ではありますが、ここでは並列構造によって文がより理解しやすくなっています。


(誤)The doctor recommended a daily intake of 5 mg of antibiotic, changing the diet plan, and exercising.
(正)The doctor recommended a daily intake of 5 mg of antibiotic, a change in diet, and regular exercise.

(不明瞭)The eruption was slow, continued sporadically, and ended in a catastrophe.
(明瞭)The eruption began slowly, continued sporadically, and ended catastrophically.

説明:不正確な文では、異なった構造が用いられいてるため、支離滅裂な印象を受けます。正解文は、 一貫して副詞(slowly, sporadically, catastrophically)を反復的に用いているため、理解を容易にしています。またこれによって、文の流れが良くなっています。


(誤)My professor has wit, charm, and she has an extremely pleasant personality.
(正)My professor has wit, charm, and a pleasing personality.





Uni-edit English Writing Tip: Parallel Structures Part A – What are they?

Level of difficulty: Intermediate

This is a five part series about using parallel structures.

While editing English manuscripts, Uni-edit editors often need to correct sentences for correct usage of parallel structures. Correct use of parallel structures makes the writing easier to read and easier to understand for native-speakers of English and for non-native speakers of English.

The word 'parallel' means in the same direction. Two roads are parallel if they run in the same direction. In language, a parallel structure means the words are assembled using the same form. In language, using parallel structures is critical for clear writing. To write using parallel structures means that expressions of similar content and function should be outwardly similar.

The similarity of form enables the reader to recognize more readily the similarity of content and function. All items, phrases, or clauses used in a sentence should be parallel.

Incorrect: The new regulations could cause problems for both the winners and for those who lose.
English corrected: The new regulations could cause problems for both winners and losers.

Explanation: In the incorrect sentence, the items after 'both' are 'the winners' and 'those who lose'; but, these phrases have different structures. This confuses the reader. In the correct sentence, 'winners' and 'losers' have the same structure. This is much easier to read.

Here is another example:

Incorrect: Formerly, science was taught by the textbook method, while now the laboratory method is employed.
English corrected: Formerly, science was taught by the textbook method; now it is taught by the laboratory method.

Explanation: The incorrect sentence gives the impression that the writer is undecided or timid; he seems unable or afraid to choose one form of expression and hold to it. The correct sentence shows that the writer made a choice on how to structure the sentence. The repeated structure is 'the…method'. Although repetitive, the parallel structure makes the sentence easier to understand.

Here is another example:

Incorrect: The doctor recommended a daily intake of 5 mg antibiotic, changing the diet plan, and exercising.
English corrected: The doctor recommended a daily intake of 5 mg antibiotic, a change in diet, and regular exercise.

And here is another example:

Incorrect: The eruption was slow, continued sporadically, and ended in a catastrophe.
English corrected: The eruption began slowly, continued sporadically, and ended catastrophically.

Explanation: The incorrect sentence seems disjointed as different structures are used. In the correct sentence, the consistent and repetitive use of adverbs (that is, slowly, sporadically, catastrophically) makes it much easier to understand. This also aids the flow of the sentence.

Here is another example:

Incorrect: My professor has wit, charm, and she has an extremely pleasant personality.
English corrected: My professor has wit, charm, and a pleasing personality.

How are parallel structures useful?

Parallel structure is especially useful for making detailed descriptions and comparisons more readable. For example, if the different minerals in a rock are always described with their features (such as modal abundance, grain size, and habit) in the same order, then parallel structures can be used to describe the features of each rock without repeating the same names for each feature. This allows readers to assimilate the information more easily. It may be helpful to construct successive paragraphs in parallel, especially when discussing results in a research paper.