National Taiwan University, Associate Professor and Head, Division of Ordinary Anesthesiology Dr. Shou-Zen Fan
My name is Shouzen Fan, associate Professor of Department of Anesthesiology in College of Medicine, NTU and Director of Anesthesiology of NTUH. Writing papers occupied most of my time, except hospital work and teaching. Even though I was trained well on medical research and English writing, I can’t squeeze extra time for polish English better. It could save my time and increase the chance to get paper published., if I can get help from a professional English editing company to express my meaning clearly. Why I chose Uni-edit?
1. They use 2 medical background editors work on my paper
2. CHECK comments help me to make sure the meaning correctly
3. I could learn better on academic English writing from their editing
4. With their knowledgeable customer service, I could get clear Chinese explanation to meet my needs. I can feel they give a strict training on their staff.
5. The turnaround time and fee are clear and reasonable.
6. Help me to apply funding reimbursement with quotation and local invoice which is fa-piao.
I strongly recommend you should give Uni-edit a try. At least call them to ask the service, workflow. Then you will understand you are making a right decision of choosing an English editing service.
- Dr. Shou-Zen Fan
Associate Professor and Head, Division of Ordinary Anesthesiology
National Taiwan University and National Taiwan University Hospital